Please note orders placed after 30th May will not be processed until Monday 12th June

Sold Instrument Archive

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Showing products 1 to 13 of 13
Ashbury GR37028  5 String Banjo-open back frailing banjo, walnut.

Ashbury 5 String Banjo-open back frailing scoop. £459

Ashbury GR37027 5 String Banjo-maple, open back. Archive

Ashbury 5 String Banjo maple, open back. £339.00

S S Stewart 5 String Banjo Circa 1890-91

For sale an antique 5 string banjo, C 1890 - 91 ready to play to tuned aDAC#E

Henry C Dobson 7 String Banjo-Open back

H. C. Dobson 7 string open back banjo with dough nut style tone ring C1900

Vega Vegaphone Banjo-Irish tenor tuning . Archive

Vegaphone Irish Tenor banjo set up ready to play.

J Clamp-5 string openback banjo, case, flush frets

Vintage John Clamp 5 string banjo J Clamp, Newcastle Upon Tyne open back 5 string flush fret banjo circa 1890,

Ebblewhite 5 String banjo-walnut  and birds eye maple

Ebblewhite banjo, 5 string open back, birds eye finished rim walnut neck. £395

J.G.Abbot No 2-5 string banjo open back

J G Abbott No.2, open back 5 string banjo ready to play early Waverly geared tuners a quality instrument.

Windsor 5 string Banjo Premier 2-Flat  top open back.

Windsor flat top open back banjo Shaller geared tuners

Weaver 5 String Banjo-made for Essex & Cammeyer

A Weaver 5 string banjo produced for and sold by Essex & Cammeyer

Jedson Plectrum Banjo-birds eye maple, resonator, rim neck.

J E Dallas and Son 4 string plectrum banjo, superb figured maple neck, rim and resonator, new Gotoh orbital geared tuners.

Ozark Mandolin Banjo-Maple. open back

Ozark Banjo Mandolin has maple neck with a 17 fret Rosewood fingerboard with white pearl position markers,